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Administrative and e-Learning Software Development

The contracts with the Approved Suppliers for this category will expire on May 31, 2018. Any purchases after this date must follow the University’s Procurement Policy. For more information, email purchasing.help@utoronto.ca.

The Approved Suppliers listed below have entered into an agreement with the University of Toronto to supply Software and e-Learning Software Development.

Software and e-Learning Development Services include but are not limited to:

  • Administrative Software Development: services related to web based and mobile applications. Examples would include registration, workflow, scheduling, payment, and evaluation systems.
  • e-Learning Software Development: services related to web based and mobile applications that enable the use of electronic media and information and communication technologies in an educational context. Examples would include quizzes, assessments, training, and simulations.

How to Order

If inviting more than one supplier to bid on a project, all invited suppliers should have access to the same information during the quoting process. The specific quotation process will be conducted by email to the invited suppliers. All terms and conditions governing shall be set out in such email request for quotation documentation.

Units should review the Software and Video Production User Guide before inviting suppliers to bid on a project. For projects with an estimated cost greater than $25,000, a second stage selection process must take place.

Threshold Purchasing Method
$0 – $24,999.99
  • 1 quote required
  • Create Department Purchase Order in FIS
$25,000 – $199,999.99
$200,000 +

Approved Suppliers

Supplier Contact Information
Knowledge4you Gwen Thornton
Tel: 905-947-9924 x 252


T4G Domenic J. Ali
Tel: 416-462-4200 ext 4539


Wired Solutions Sharbel Lutfallah
Tel: 519-250-7786 ext. 200
