Credit Card Programs
BMO MasterCard moving to two-factor authentication and paperless statements
January 31, 2022
Two Factor Authentication As an extra layer of security, Bank of Montreal (BMO) will introduce two-factor authentication for Spend Dynamics. Starting March 14, 2022, Spend Dynamics users will be prompted to register for two-factor authentication when logging into the system. Users are encouraged to review the Spend Dynamics Two-Factor Authentication Guide. For questions or support
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Amazon Business is now available for PCard cardholders
May 13, 2021
Procurement Services is pleased to announce Amazon Business is now available to University employees with a Purchasing Card (PCard). The Amazon Business platform provides the University community an additional marketplace for products not available through uSOURCE or other Approved Supplier contracts, for low value goods required for business purposes. All purchases made on the platform
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Scotiabank Visa is the new Travel & Hospitality Card Provider
November 2, 2020
Scotiabank Visa is the University’s new provider for the Travel and Hospitality Card (T&H Card) program, replacing the AMEX travel card (TCARD). Cardholders will now have 60 days from their statement date to make payments to their account. They can also monitor their account activity and make payments online, and receive monthly statements via email.
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Procurement Process Enhancements
June 2, 2020
Central Procurement Services is pleased to announce a number of enhancements to procurement processes at the University of Toronto. We have raised thresholds and streamlined administrative effort, while at the same time incorporated new procurement legislation and regulation arising from trade agreements. New Procurement Policy Business Board recently approved the revised University Procurement Policy which
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PCard: BMO Spend Dynamics System Migration
June 12, 2019
Spend Dynamics will have reduced functionality during the month of July due to a planned system migration. Please keep the following dates in mind: JUL 5 Applications for new cards and changes to existing cards submitted after this date will not be processed until after the system outage. JUL 13 System unavailable starting at 12:00
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BMO Purchasing Card (PCard) has moved to Spend Dynamics
June 20, 2018
The Bank of Montreal Purchasing Card (PCard) has moved to an online platform called BMO Spend Dynamics. Cardholders can now view their account activity online in addition to receiving monthly paper statements. Accounts have also been created for Department Card Coordinators (DCCs) to run reports on their cardholders’ activity. To login and for more information,
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BMO MasterCard Phishing Alert
March 21, 2016
Recently, a number of BMO MasterCard (PCard) holders reported receiving “Phishing” emails to update their account information. Cardholders were directed to a fake website and asked to enter their card number and password. Phishing is a fraudulent process used to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details. Email recipients are often
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