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Can I make changes to a uSOURCE Purchase Order?

Depending on the delivery status and type of change, it is possible to make changes to a Purchase Order in uSOURCE.


To cancel a line item that hasn’t been delivered yet*, first contact the Supplier to cancel the item in their system, and then notify the uSOURCE Help Desk using a PO Comment. For step-by-step instructions, see Cancel an Order.

*If the item has been delivered, it can’t be cancelled; you’ll need to follow the return process instead (see Return an Order, or Return an Order ($5,000+).

Account Code Assignment

To change the account assignment on a PO, contact the uSOURCE Help Desk.

Note: Changes to the account assignment on a Purchase Order can only be made if an invoice has not been submitted by the Supplier. If an invoice is in the system, after it has been paid ask your business officer to make the change using a Journal Entry.

Shipping Address

To change the shipping address for your order, contact the Supplier to see if the address can be changed.

Note: All deliveries must be made to a U of T recognized workplace. Contact the uSOURCE Help Desk if a shipping address is not in the system.

Line Item Quantity

Decreasing Quantity of a Line Item

To decrease the quantity of a line item on a Purchase Order, contact the uSOURCE Help Desk to release the committed funds for the quantity that will not be received.

Increasing Quantity of a Line Item

This type of change is not possible on an existing Purchase Order. Create a new Purchase Order for any additional quantities.

Increasing Price

The price indicated on the Purchase Order must be honoured. In the event of a price dispute with the Supplier, contact the uSOURCE Help Desk.

Last Updated:  September 19, 2023