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I’m experiencing technical issues with a Supplier punch-out website. What should I do?

When you access a punch-out catalogue from uSOURCE, you are brought to a supplier’s website in a new browser window, with their product offerings and pricing. Sometimes updates to the supplier’s website conflict with the cookies stored in your browser cache, preventing the page from loading properly. Or your browser’s settings won’t allow pop-ups.

If a supplier’s punch-out catalogue isn’t loading properly:

  1. Log out of uSOURCE, close all browser tabs, then clear your cache.
  2. Open a new browser window, and make sure pop-ups are not blocked.
    Clear cache Allow pop-ups
  3. Log back into uSOURCE, and try accessing the supplier’s punch-out catalogue.

If you still are experiencing difficulties, contact the uSOURCE Help Desk with screenshots and a short description of the issue (including time and date).

Last Updated:  June 3, 2024