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Assign a Substitute Requisitioner

While you’re on vacation, at a conference, etc., you can assign a substitute Requisitioner for all carts assigned to you.

To assign a substitute Requisitioner:

  1. From the left navigation bar go to Shop > My Carts and Orders > View Carts.
  2. Click on the Assigned Carts tab, then the Assign Substitute link.
  3. From the User Search pop-up, search for the user you would like to assign as the substitute. Click the [select] link to the right of the user’s name. All carts assigned to you will be forwarded to this user.
  4. When you are ready to end the substitution, click End Substitution on the Cart Management > Assigned Carts page.

See also: Assigning a Substitute Approver

Last Updated:  April 6, 2020