uSOURCE is available to all full-time staff and faculty, using their UTORid and password to log in:
Note: If you log in but are unable to shop for products, your user profile may not be setup yet. Contact the uSOURCE Help Desk for assistance.
If you experience difficulties logging in, try the following:
Confirm your UTORid and password are correct.
If you receive the message “Your UTORid and password have been verified,” proceed to Step 3.
If you receive the message “Authentication failed,” contact your Campus Help Desk:
Information Commons Help Desk
First Floor, Robarts Library
416-978-HELP (4357)
BV487 | Library | IC35
Clear your browser cache and then restart your browser.
If you are still unable to log in after trying these steps, contact the uSOURCE Help Desk for assistance.